One of the best ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, minor skin discolourations, and fine lines is undergoing anti-ageing facial treatment. Over time, you can include facials as a part of your skincare routine. For the best treatment, you can fill up the membership form for us at the Beauty Salon in Portsmouth.

So, figuring out which anti-ageing facial treatment is perfect for you is important. To select the right treatment for you, consider the following:

Factors to Consider to Select the Right Anti-Ageing Facial

Type of skin

We all have different types of skin with varying needs. Dry skin needs more moisturising, whereas oily skin facials use natural ingredients for cleansing, extraction, and exfoliation. Ask your beauty expert which treatment is right for the best results. Follow the guidance formulated for your type of skin.  

Your main skin concern

Has your skin suffered sun damage? Do you have spots or fine lines? Ageing skin takes time to rewind, so make sure you choose the treatment that targets your main concerns. Beauty experts can develop a cosmetic or medical treatment plan to fix all your skin issues, enhancing the effects of anti-ageing in no time.


People over the age of 30 most undergo anti-ageing facials regularly to get the best results. But, depending on the treatment, the facial frequency may vary. It’s best to go for a Co2 Lift once a week, while a VI peel every six months.  


A few anti-ageing facials include deep pore cleansing, while others get rid of the top skin surface. Knowing the process well can help you determine the treatment’s end result.

You must always verify a treatment before you visit a beauty salon in Portsmouth. An experienced beauty specialist can guide you through the right process for your skin type. They can also explain some post-care tips and expected recovery time.

Contact us at The Beauty Clinic for the best anti-ageing facial treatment. We are renowned for bringing the latest technology to our treatments that offer life-changing results. Visit our beauty salon in Portsmouth to access a wide range of advanced beauty and medical treatments. For more information, check out our website. To get in touch with us, kindly fill up the online form.